| + Anderson Cooper + |
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Anderson Cooper jokes about the cold:
*You know, it's colder outside than Dick Cheney's smile.
It's even colder than Howard Dean's smile.
*It's so cold Al Roker has been named an enemy combatant.
*It's so cold the mercury is harder to find than WMDs.
*It's so cold Al Gore is now in favor of global warming.
*It's so cold even rich people are cold. It's so cold -- I like that one.
*It's so cold Pete Rose is betting the under on the windchill factor.
*It's so cold it only takes a second for your tongue to stick to Madonna.
*It's so cold Christine Aguilera put on a shirt.
*It's so cold we're going to start calling it AC -360.
oh, and don't forget how he ended the whole thing: "I'm Anderson Cooper, and I'm stuck to my desk. Thanks for letting me get that out of my system. I appreciate your warmth."
This is from Manda Panda's blog....Manda Panda is a true Anderson Cooper worshiper.
>> posted by LaJuan on 8:05 PM.