| + Anderson Cooper + |
Pictures here

This is a comic website...not to be taken serious by serious people...if you are a serious person than you might want to leave. This website is to lay some love and pay respects to a newsman who is loved and adored by many Mr. Geraldo Rivera...NO wait...I think his name is Cooper or Coop or something like that.
Ann Says: I have a tattoo of Anderson Cooper on my ass. So if you are an extremely serious person and you don't like this site, kiss my Anderson.
>> posted by LaJuan on 6:18 PM.

>> posted by LaJuan on 5:28 PM.

>> posted by LaJuan on 8:48 PM.

>> posted by LaJuan on 8:10 PM.

Ceasar: Can i go over and Babysit u for one Nite Anderson, Please!!!! Ur one Hot Puppies Mr.Cooper.
mya: you are sooooo hot anderson....i would only need one noght with you.
Ann: Mya I would need at least two noghts. Thanks for the comments folks.
>> posted by LaJuan on 7:40 AM.

Ann: Last night I had a dream that Anderson Cooper was a big Strawberry...I dipped him in Chocolate and licked him clean...But I didn't put him in my mouth and chew on him cause I didn't want to hurt him.
And the night before I had a dream that Anderson Cooper was Spiderman and he wrapped me in his web and kissed in a dark alley while hang'in upside down...and now that Anderson has done all the reports from Niger to help the starving people of Africa...it makes me so proud to have a tattoo of Spider Anderson on my ass.
>> posted by LaJuan on 1:03 PM.

Ann: This is some fan internet love talk over the absence of Anderson Cooper being gone on vacation and returning.
anderson's back: I'm as giddy as a 13yr old catholic girl who missed her period.
Mysterygirl: That is funny! I loved hearing Big Ben chime behind Anderson last night as he wrapped up the show.
Is Everyone Happy Now?: Anderson is back and looking hot. A tired Anderson is hotter than most men are when they're well-rested.
AC ALWAYS brings the sexy!
freedom!: Because every single teensy tiny cell in his gorgeous body is oh so SEXY. Anderson Cooper oozes the royal hottness. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Is Everyone Happy Now?: Hell yeah! Seriously, mind-blowing HOTNESS (sorry for the colorful language, but ya gotta blame AC for that)
Lana: Anderson's beautiful smile can charm a bird off a tree.
Anderlove: His smile could charm all kinds of things off me... ;D
Heartlandstamper: Any one notice the shot of Anderson in his socks when he was talking to Mohammed Kozbar in the Mosque.
Neptune: Yes, I saw him wiggling his toes a little. Now that was a first, I never expected to ever see Anderson without his shoes on.
Molly: Hey Neptune, I'd suck on Anderson's toes, anytime he bares them.

Sherri: Anderson Cooper will you marry me?
Ann: Stand in line Sherri...Just stand in line.
BiG Bull Butch: That's right Sherri! Stand in line I get him first. You can have him after I've had my way with him.
Pics from Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL. January 14, 2005
Scroll down to Anderson's "The Dively Frontiers Globalization Lecture.
>> posted by LaJuan on 9:34 AM.

Ann: If Anderson Cooper farted, I bet it would taste good.
If Anderson Cooper committed a felony, I'd go to jail for him.
And if Anderson Cooper is a sinner, I'll go to HELL for him.
I'm saying this while drinking a beer(BURP!!!)...I may feel differently when satin sticks a pitchfork up my ass.

Phoenix: I've been here for over a year too, and I'm sure everything isn't what it appears to be. But I don't see that any moles or players or multiple personalities make any difference. It's a great board and there's almost always something interesting or funny going on, excitement about something, and likeable posters (and I think the trolls are amusing too).
Ann: You can join in the fun lov'in talk too at the Anderson Cooper Fan talk site. Here's the link:
>> posted by LaJuan on 9:02 AM.
All For The Love Of Anderson

Ann: O'le for the love of Anderson Cooper:
If Anderson Cooper was a car...He could drive all over me.
If Anderson Cooper was a door...I'd live in his crack.
If Anderson Cooper was a dog...I'd be a tick on his back.
If Anderson was a disease...I'd go out of my way to caught it.

Angelfox20032000: We do love our Anderbaby, no doubt about that.
A Fan in Ohio: And anyone and everyone who is an Anderfan is welcome to join

The delightful big O: Who needs to focus on anything else
when you're on this board but that delicious, sweet, gorgeous
man ~ ANDERSON! whewwwwwwwww weeeeeeeeeee!
Ann: If Anderson needed food...I'd fry up my own leg
If Anderson needed a heart...I'd cut out mine
If Anderson wanted to be a woman...I'd donate my ovaries
If Anderson needed a place to live...I'd open up my womb so he
could gently float in my bodily fluid while attached to me by
embilicord and I would be such a happy Andermomma
>> posted by LaJuan on 8:22 AM.
Talk on The Funny of Anderson

xox: Anderson was so funny last night. It was funny when he was kind of interrupting Erica with those strange "cooter" noises and she told him to hold it until she finished her report, she must have thought she'd lose it if he didn't stop. The Daily Show segment was good, I figured he would talk about it. Jon Stewart and that entire DS team are incredibly smart and hysterically funny, I love that show. Anderson was also funny when he compared Wolf Blitzer to a pesky uninvited guest for the summer. Anderson and 360 are totally unique, it's amazing how he can pull off the lighter stories after doing a more serious one.
loverofAC13: He was funny tonight. When he makes humor about himself, I like it, because you never see any other anchors doing anything like that. He's intelligent, funny, and sexy. How can you not love him?
Lisa71: He was funny tonight. I like it when he's not as serious. I know certain stories call for more serious reporting (and that's appropriate) but I do like it when he puts some funny lines in. It's just refreshing to see a newsman with a personality! Can't believe he knows the Roscoe laugh. Does this mean he watched the Dukes? LOL
Ann: Anderson is the batteries in my vibrator
He's the sugar in my coffee
He's the milk in my breast
He's the ach in my insides
If I had to chose between Anderson Cooper and Oxygen I would just have to die.
Beffie: I loved it last night when Anderson said the piece of sign that almost "killed" him was only selling on ebay for 20.00! "Come on! guys, that thing almost made 180 out of me!" he said, laughing.
>> posted by LaJuan on 8:07 AM.
Anderson Cooper's Fans Want to Teach Him Sports

A Fan in Ohio: Since Anderson doesn't know anything about (sports) or just doesn't care for sports, I offer my services to teach him all about football. ;)
Sunshinelove: I'd tackle his body any day.

think before you speak: Me, too Ohio. (raises hand) And hockey and baseball and racing cars and ....sorry, I carried away.
Colleen in Canada: I shall teach him about figure skating and curling
Sunshinelove: I'd like to teach Anderson the sport of mating.
>> posted by LaJuan on 6:32 AM.