| + Anderson Cooper + |
Pictures here

Ann: For all you folks who ever dreamed of seeing your favorite news men naked, well this fake picture is probably as close as you will ever get. These good look'in news guys have never really posed nude as far as I know...but if they ever do, "LORD" would that magazine sale! I could here the head lines now:
This just in: To improve ratings for their shows Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Anderson Cooper, and Bill Hemmer have decided to pose naked.....Well not really, but it would be nice if they would.
>> posted by LaJuan on 7:54 PM.

>> posted by LaJuan on 7:53 PM.

Anderson In PJ's

Sunshine Says: I got to see Anderson Cooper in his PJ's for the first time in my life on CNN tonight while watching his show on CNN's 360. Even Spock couldn't be that sexy.
>> posted by LaJuan on 10:47 PM.
Anderson and Spock

These two guys have got to be kin. Anderson Cooper's resemblance to Spock is just too logical to go unnoticed. Anderson's ears aren't real are they? Did he glue those on? I have to admit he is one sexy pointed eared man. I wish I had Anderson's ears, better yet I just wish I had Anderson.
>> posted by LaJuan on 6:13 PM.
A Younger Anderson at ABC
Ok this post is for Anderson's Angels that surf the Internet. I found these really cute pictures of Anderson Cooper from back in the days when he worked at ABC. There are from one of his fans site, call Cooper Tri-Pod. So to the Anderson Cooper fans from Cooper's Tri-Pod THANKS for the pictures from Anderson's Angels, and they are posted now on the Angel's website.

>> posted by LaJuan on 6:12 PM.

Why does my tongue always do this when I see Anderson?

>> posted by LaJuan on 10:13 PM.
Anderson Alien

Ann: It seems as though Bill Hemmer is not the only alien that works at CNN. It has been reported by Scarlet Termite that Anderson has been seen and even photographed in his true alien form. This is a picture of Anderson when he changes to his alien form at night. Source say Anderson admits being from another plant, but denies that he has ever has sex with an earthling. He claims he is still a virgin and is waiting for the right alien to come along. Until the right alien comes along, Anderson will remain on our bachelor list. I know there are many freaks online at this talk site that have always wanted to make love to this alien.
>> posted by LaJuan on 8:17 PM.
Meet Manda Panda a True Anderson Cooper Worshiper

Everybody meet Manda Panda a true Anderson Cooper Freak. Check inside the white boxes on the bottom of the page to link to her sites. You can find a lot on Anderson Cooper. Her main site is called "one angry dwarf & 200 solemn faces." Go check her out.
>> posted by LaJuan on 8:06 PM.
Who Will Save Anderson Alien?

Ann: If you will look at the picture at the top of the page that is Anderson Alien walking around at night in disguise trying to pick up a woman. Most of you know that Anderson Cooper is a alien right?....and he's a virgin. There's nothing more dangerous than a virgin alien. I'll tell you why. I have just received a report that Anderson alien will die if he does not lose his virginity by his next birth date, which is in June. It seems as though aliens from his plant are somewhat like Vulcans are on the film Star Trek. If they don't breed before a certain time, they die. I guess all that build up in them gets toxic or something. So who volunteers to take this poor alien's virginity and save his life? I know he probably won't know how to do it or what to do with it, but he can be taught. Well I think he can anyway. How about we send him to sex school by Dr. Gupta.
Sindhu: Great idea Ann, but wonder if it will fly with Sanjay?
Tracy: Hey all! My, what a fantabulous page this is! Finally a place that satisfies my craving for Anderson Cooper eye candy. And I agree with you, Ann, about Mr. Cooper's nose. I, too, would like to keep that nose in a

Ann: Look at the frustration in Anderson face. Lord Tracy he needs somebody to stroke his nose at night and maybe a few other things on his body as well. He's got way to much build up in his groins. It's going to explode and kill him. A lot of nice aliens die that way.
Scarlet Termite: One must also be careful about stroking Andersons' nose too hard. If he starts sneezing, it's gonna get rough. The best bet is to get some of Dr. Guptas' patented nose condoms. Guaranteed to possibly not break.
Annibelle, are you wanting to admit Sanjay into the mile-high club?
>> posted by LaJuan on 7:27 PM.
Anderson Alien Gets A Woman

This just in. Anderson Cooper has finally found a woman who will love him in his Alien form. He is no longer a virgin and is waiting on his first half alien half human baby to be born. Congratulations Anderson we knew you could do it. Anderson wants to take his beloved earth woman and to his plant to meet his parents and possibly get married, but the earth girl is a bit frightened she won't fit in on his alien plant. The Loch ness monster is heart broken cause she didn't snag Anderson. The Loch ness monster says "I have always wanted to swim naked with Anderson Cooper." Stay tuned for more on this story.
>> posted by LaJuan on 7:26 PM.

Anderson Cooper is thinking, "Why are all these people staring at the back of my head? Don't they have a life? Have they never seen a sexy man with gray hair before?"
>> posted by LaJuan on 7:20 PM.
Doreamon Opens a New Talk Site For Anderson Cooper
Ann: Hey folks Doreamon just opened a new talk site for Anderson Cooper. Please go check it out and tell us all about Anderson and the work he does and the news he brings. This is my questions from what I saw him report on tonight.
Did anybody see Anderson Cooper's 360? There was a story of Cannibalism, where a guy ran an add on the internet for 3 years trying to find someone who wanted to be eaten, and some guy responded to it. He supposable wanted to be eaten. I don't know if I believe that. But that just shows you how dangerous the Internet can be. He filmed the whole thing. He cut out part of his organs cooked them and fed it to the man and ate it himself and than he killed the guy. I guess after they got done eating. Talk about a bad last meal. He ate his own organs before he died. Oh gross. Anderson Cooper called it the most bizarre story of the day. I think this happened in Germany. Man what a freak. I hope they legally throw the book at him for that. I call it murder. I don't care if the guy volunteered to die, it's still murder in my book.

>> posted by LaJuan on 7:14 PM.


This just in: The Federal Government has just captured Anderson Cooper, and they now know he is a alien. They are going to run scientific test on him to see if they can figure out how an alien brain works. One of the female government employee's in charge of the experiment also stated to the press that he is the sexiest alien when he is asleep that has ever been recorded in history of the federal government. What does that mean? Poor Anderson Alien... they hooked his face up to all these electro shock dream scan computer things, and it knocked him out and the earth women are taking advantage of him while he is sleeping. Sources say Anderson might not want to leave. Stay tuned for more on this story.
li>Anderson Cooper
>> posted by LaJuan on 5:02 PM.